

Love, Dee

I created Hanidee as a creative outlet to express and share my interest in beauty with others. As time went on, beauty blogging/writing has grown into something I truly love. I hope that you find what you're looking for and enjoy. Happy reading and thanks so much for stopping by!


From time to time, I do receive products from PR and companies for review consideration (I state so in the post). I do not accept any type of compensation for my reviews. I do not believe in paid or guaranteed reviews. If I truly enjoy using a product, I will definitely recommend it. If I don't, I will not hesitate to say so.

If you would like to contact me with questions, inquiries, comments and/or requests, you can reach me through email.


Hanidee is a personal blog owned and maintained by Dee. Everything featured on this site is by the author's choice. All products mentioned were purchased by the author unless stated in the post. All reviews are 100% honest, unbiased and are based on personal experiences with each product. Hanidee is not responsible for any reactions or irritations you may experience with any product. It is your responsibility to be aware of a products' ingredients and use them with caution. Do your research. What works for me may not work for you and vice versa.

Copyright ©

Outside sourced images posted on the site are given credit unless believed to be found on a public domain. If you are the owner of an image and wish for it to be removed, please contact me. All content on Hanidee is copyrighted and is to not be republished, redistributed or copied outside of Hanidee. You can refer to my articles with a direct link and credit (hanidee.blogspot.com).